Monday, December 14, 2009

Therapy Is... & Snowflake Festival

Cute, Cute and More Cute..  I love this picture, Ryan just stuck his face through there and that was his smile.  So, on Saturday we went to the Children's Therapy Clinics Snowflake Festival, and Jasper loved it!  It was nice having an environment where he was just as regular as the rest of the kids.  No judging, or "Oh, we are so sorry", just some kind of normal.  
So I felt some evil need to make Jasper pout just so I could get a picture of it, so I had the Grinch hold him and as you can see... It worked!  He pouted!  Too bad I already did the Christmas Cards.

So, as for the "Therapy Is..." Part of my post.  I have decided that for me therapy comes in many forms.  Most of them crazy and totally abnormal but isn't that me.  Abnormal, crazy... well it works for me.  So last week my therapy was mostly making chocolate covered marshmallows and cookies.  That was great fun and kept my mind busy. 
So my new therapy just so happens to be a pair of skinny jeans and 2 pairs of Bandilino boots.  Ok, not that I am skinny or anything, just that I like my tush in them and the boots give me a false feeling of youth that is hard to get elsewhere (while sober and behaving).  So skinny jeans it is, at least until my next form of therapy comes around. 

So last night we went to Thompson Family Christmas Party, not our Thompson, its our adopted family.  It was awesome.  So, we think that Jasper has some signifigant hearing loss.  So I was trying to tell everyone that yelling Jasper to him was not going to make him look at the camera.  So, it was funny, I don't think that anyone heard me.  They just kept saying.. Jasper...Jasper..(whisteling, whooping), it was funny.  Really, not sarcasticly.  When Ryan and I got home, we were laughing.  We just thoguht it was so funny.  So, if you are ever trying to get Jasper to smile, make a face or jump up and down.  That will work a little better.  I promise!
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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jaspers First Hair Cut & your warning...

Well I started this blog sometime last year to try to keep in touch with our friends. I did not do a good job of it mostly because we are so busy with therapy and other doctors appointments. I need to use it now. Now I am going to use it to vent out all of the poo that comes our way. Not all of what we go through is poo, but here lately we are swimming in it. I know and fully realize that there are many others that have it WAY worse that we do, but at the same time this is all very new to us. So if you choose to read it, be prepared. If you know me at all, you will know that I live a in a world of blunt honesty and a poorly working filter. So.. read at your own risk.

So my goal in all of this is to meet and connect with other CP parents and to also have a venue to keep all of our friends and family informed. So... here it goes.

I am sure this is one of my favorite pictures of all time (well so far).
So for all of you that don't know us, this is my son Jasper. Recently he was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. It stinks and it makes me pretty mad, but in the giant scope of things, I know that we can do it. He is such a strong little dude, so if he can do it, I know I can. I am trying to get myself to be better at keeping up this blog so I can get through all of this with out loosing it. Up until last Friday we were expecting our second child. We found out on Thursday that Jasper does have the PVL, and on Friday we lost the baby. Boy, was that ever a stinker of a week. How in the heck did we make it through that week?? I keep checking the mail for the Publishers Clearinghouse check, but it is never there. I will keep checking, just in case.

Of course I am going and have been for the past 17 months of .. Why us?? Why our child?? Why did I lose my baby? Are we being tested?? What are we supposed to do so that things go better for us?? I could go on with a million other questions, but as I am sure you can see it gets pretty tiring. Well at this doing I could type forever, but instead I think I will go to sleep. I have to have something to gripe about tomorrow, right?

This is Misti at Square Hair. She is AWESOME. She is the Thompson Family stylist. Let me know if you need her#!

Much love...
Tessa Lou
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Starting this over.

I have tried to keep this up before, with not much luck.  I am going to do it again.  Now that Jasper has been diagnosed and I a lost the the baby.  I really need an outlet to vent and gripe and be mad.  So here we are.  you get to listen to it, or ignore it.  Your choice really.
So tomorrow we head to Indy for yet another appointment.  Opthamology.  Last week was an MRI, MRS, Urology, nephrology, Developmental Peds, CT Scan, Audiology, blood work, a chest x-ray and a urine collection bag.  That is enough for a year, but that was 4 days.  So this week we found out that he has pneumonia (again), so he has been taking it easy. 
So recently our big accomplisment is that he is now clapping!!!!  This is so awesome.  I know that to some that is barely anything to write home about, but for us,  THIS IS HUGE!!!!   Putting it on the calander, marking it in the baby book, you name it, I am doing it. 

I am so exhausted.  I am not sure how the many moms of special kids do it.  There are days where it takes all I have not to just run away.  Put losing the baby on top of that and I all but bought a ticket to Jamacia.  I love my Japser.  He is the strongest little guy I know, there are days when I have to say, if he can do it, you can do it.,
Well I need to get to bed.  I will be better at this....I need to be.  I have to keep going.
All my best..

Friday, July 24, 2009

Trying This Again

Ok, so I made a commitment to blog last year, but life kind of interrupted us. So now, I am going to try this again.

Happy's birthday party is tomorrow. 4 years old. O My Goodness. How can that kid be 4. It should be a good time, full of insanity and Powell family goodness.

I have to shoot a family before we head down there. That sounds really bad. Pictures, I shoot Pictures. Not people. It should be a fun shoot, we are doing it down on their property in Mitchell. After that I will drive to Puke County, Oh, I a mean Pike county for Happys b-day party. Where I am the Official Party Photog. What a title.

Jasper had PT and Speech Therapy today and both went very well. He is getting stronger and way meaner. He screamed at poor Sara, he did not want to work for her at all.

So I wanted to attach some pics, to catch you all up.
I will try this again, I need to get better at it!!!!!!!
Hope you all are doing well.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Per your request, Aunt B.

Jasper the flying, naked baby. Look at that head control. Jasper is in the air courtesy of his daddy. This kid loves to get a view from above.

More up up and away. Note the drool. He now has 2 teeffies on the bottom.

With clothes on! This is Mr. Monkey, his BFF. I took this pic in my house, as usual, in front of the door. Could he be any cuter? Seriously.

I love my Mr. Monkey.
So as for an update....
Jasper is doing PT once a week and OT twice a week. He is showing lots of improvement with his head control and as you can see by the pictures he is doing well with holding on to stuff. He is eating rice cereal at night and he loves it. I think he eats like his daddy!! He is almost 15 pounds!!!!!!!
We go on Monday for his MRI so keep us in your thoughts or prayers.
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