Friday, April 2, 2010

A Few ways to not be a Debbie Downer...

A few ways not to be a buzz kill when someone tells you that they are expecting a baby…

Do not assume that the pregnant woman telling you her happy news is lying.

Do not by any means pretend to ignore the news.

Do not say “Again, but you just lost a baby”.

Do not think that you are more worried than we are.

Do not say “how many tests did you take, are you really sure??”

Do not assume if you are being told in February that the October is due date is over a year away.

Do not remind me that I have a child that keeps me busy, I promise, I already know that.

Do not remind us of our previous bumpy luck, we have not forgotten.

Do not start to say something and then stop and say “I just don’t want to make you mad”.

Do not attempt to stick your head in the oven. (Yes this really did happen)

Ok, so these are all very really statements that we have encountered. Seriously??? Yes. I have wanted to just shake some of these people, but what do you do if they are family? I have mastered the art of ignoring them, or kindly letting the offender know that I keep a journal of stupid things that people say and they just made the book.

Sorry I had to get that off my chest. I will post happy thoughts later.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Beautiful Boy

As I'm sure all of you, I am in love with this boy. As I am sure any momma is with their son, but there is something extraordinary about this child. I have watched him grow in the last few weeks and it has again, melted my heart. He is a constant reminder of how lucky I am to have him. He is in his third week at school and is thriving. He walks down the hall with his aid and the walker and does not even look back for momma. He charms the socks off off the ladies that work there as he does with most everyone he comes in contact with. His strength and determination are getting more pronounced every day.

We are working as much as we can to sign with him all the time. He now claps, points, touches his nose and signs "more". I freak out every time he does a sign. I know that he will keep learning signs and be telling me off in no time.

Well my mom is griping to me on the phone so I cant keep typing....
Come on Debbie....
I have been freaking out lately due to the upcoming move. I am not ready to leave my Bedford friends and I really don't want to be in Sullivan if Ryan goes to Afghanistan. I think that I will go nuts without him. He is such an awesome husband and I know that he wants to do what is best for us as a family. But seriously, 6 months without him will be torture. Ugg. Uggg. Uggggg.

Then there is the matter of the constant running for me and Jasper. We are everyday on the road. I am so sick of driving already. That's bad... Because it is not going to be any better in Sullivan. I think I am going to take a week off and fly away somewhere warm. I need a stinking break! I really need a break. Do I sound frantic and hysterical??? Its because I am! Yikes Tessa pull it together.

Whhooo... I better get to Jaspers school to pick him up..
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Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well as usual, my brain is a mush with the weeks activities.  We spent the day a Riley yesterday for an appointment with a kideny doc and had an ear appt for the hearing aids.
So this is my job...  Being Jaspers mom and taking care of his medical appointments and taking him to his new school (the Jackson Center in Mooresville, IN-- Look it up).   I have been to Indy 3 times this week and will be up here 3 times next week not to mention the trips to Bloomington on my days off for more appointments.  So here comes my vent.... I recently heard from a person who I will not mention that I should consider getting a babysitter for Jasper and go back to work.  IS SHE NUTS>>>>????  Seriously... Nuts... I have rarely wanted to punch a person so bad, and then cry, and then maybe punch her again.  There is no amount of money that can take me away from being Jaspers MOM, protector and advocate.  I would love to continue venting about this, but I am afraid that I wont be able to stop!

So Jasper now has super cool hearing aids.  They are blue and orange and dont seem to work worth a darn. But boy is he cute with them in.

I will try to post some pics later. 
Happy Trails...