Cute, Cute and More Cute.. I love this picture, Ryan just stuck his face through there and that was his smile. So, on Saturday we went to the Children's Therapy Clinics Snowflake Festival, and Jasper loved it! It was nice having an environment where he was just as regular as the rest of the kids. No judging, or "Oh, we are so sorry", just some kind of normal.
So I felt some evil need to make Jasper pout just so I could get a picture of it, so I had the Grinch hold him and as you can see... It worked! He pouted! Too bad I already did the Christmas Cards.
So, as for the "Therapy Is..." Part of my post. I have decided that for me therapy comes in many forms. Most of them crazy and totally abnormal but isn't that me. Abnormal, crazy... well it works for me. So last week my therapy was mostly making chocolate covered marshmallows and cookies. That was great fun and kept my mind busy.
So my new therapy just so happens to be a pair of skinny jeans and 2 pairs of Bandilino boots. Ok, not that I am skinny or anything, just that I like my tush in them and the boots give me a false feeling of youth that is hard to get elsewhere (while sober and behaving). So skinny jeans it is, at least until my next form of therapy comes around.
So last night we went to Thompson Family Christmas Party, not our Thompson, its our adopted family. It was awesome. So, we think that Jasper has some signifigant hearing loss. So I was trying to tell everyone that yelling Jasper to him was not going to make him look at the camera. So, it was funny, I don't think that anyone heard me. They just kept saying.. Jasper...Jasper..(whisteling, whooping), it was funny. Really, not sarcasticly. When Ryan and I got home, we were laughing. We just thoguht it was so funny. So, if you are ever trying to get Jasper to smile, make a face or jump up and down. That will work a little better. I promise!
That was funny about trying to get his attention. But then people go with what they know.
Have missed seeing you and the little man.
You look great and I love the therapy! Jasper looks great and I love the Grinch Pic!
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